Learn the signs to confirm if you’re married to a narcissist
Could you be married to a Narcissist? A narcissist is a personality disorder that inflates a sense of self-importance in a person. There are signs that points to someone being narcissistic and a lot of times someone married to a narcissist asks the question of what are the signs of this personality disorder?
In this guide, we hope to shed some light on what someone married to a narcissist should look for to confirm they may be married to a narcissist.
A narcissistic personality disorder is considered to be rare with less than 200,000 United States cases per year.
What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder
If your married and feel like your significant other may show signs of someone that has a narcissistic personality disorder you may see some of these symptoms.
Shows a sense of entitlement
A narcissistic person will show they have a sense of entitlement over you in your marriage or in general. This is part of the disorder. This can take on forms of passively aggressively play when the feeling of a perceived slight or being scorned. Whether or not this feeling was
Shows a large sense of self-importance
Another main sign of a narcissist persis is the need for self-importance. They crave the need for admiration while showing a lack of empathy for others around them.
Boosts about achievements
A narcissist will boost achievements. Even though its normal to get excited and want to share goals that have been met, however, a narcissist will go out of there way to make sure that you know every detail about his or her achievements.
Only about them and they think they’re perfect
You can reason with your significant other until your blue in the face but that fact is no matter how much you reason they will not see your side.
When having different opinions about important issues they probably will not compromise. They strongly believe they are right and will not understand another perspective.
Rules don’t apply to them
Rules are for other people to follow. A narcissist feels that they are above rules and that they don’t apply to them. Examples would be cutting into lines and affairs. They feel like they are above the law.
Never their fault, and always right
It is never the fault of a narcissist, no matter what the situation is. This is a trait that the disorder has. Narcissists have to maintain a sense of superiority to whoever they are speaking to, including a husband or wife.
Manipulate through guilt
It is not uncommon to have a narcissist manipulate their partner by the way of guilt. They have no issues playing of your emotions to make the partner sacrifice things that are unreasonable.
Dealing with a narcissist
The above are some signs that would paint what a narcissistic person would show. Keep in mind that in your marriage especially if this is the beginning of your marriage you possibly didn’t see the signs. It’s not uncommon as a someone with a narcissistic disorder can appear to be a good match.
They could be good at things, show compassion and be fun to be around. However, when things get difficult you may see a different partner develop and find it hard to work through differences or when opinions differ.
Its when they have to communicate that can bring out the signs of a narcissistic person.
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