Do you have a child that is just starting to access the internet or has a smartphone for the purpose of checking in on them when they are not with you? Or are they using internet-connected devices for school homework? If so, this guide will have internet safety tips for kids so you can make a more informed approach on how to keep them safe online.
kids, more than ever before have access to online searches that can bring them anywhere good or bad with one simple search.
You may be thinking how you can my kids safe when they are online? This guide will explain what internet safety tips for kids parents could implement to keep them safe when browsing online websites and apps.
Have a conversation up-front before letting your kids online
Explain to your child or children what the internet is and what you expect from them when they are online. You should set boundaries and agree on what is appropriate and what is off limits.
Having this conversation up-front will set the ton of what they can expect and also should allow an open means of communication back to you if they feel uncomfortable about something they see or hear online. Online bullying happens all too often online away from parents and caregivers.
Explore websites and apps together at first
It would be wise to ask your child what websites or apps they might be interested in. Then explore those together online to get your child familiar with the application or page and to check out the site content yourself to verify if this is something you would want your child looking at.
Easy tips that parents should use
Check your child’s history
be sure to keep checking your child’s history from time to time to keep up with what he or she is viewing. A red flag would be if you find your child’s history has been cleaned or erased or even set to private. New browsers like Google Chrome has an incognito option that will allow browsing that does not appear in history.
Set limit online times
Keep track of your child’s online time. There are apps that can see online screen time so a parent has full control over how long a device is being used. Be sure to set limits upfront before your child even gets onto a device.
Write down passwords
Your child should already know and beware that you have their passcodes to access their device. Passcodes should never be changed by the child and this should be talked about upfront.
Utilize monitoring software
There are software and apps that can be used to monitor your children’s online behavior. Products like Net Nanny and Mobicip are a few. To read a more in-depth review of the best parental control software click here.
Social websites need to be discussed with your child when talking about Internet Safety tips
While some may not agree with a child having social accounts it is becoming more acceptable. in-fact there are younger children getting onto social websites like Instagram and snap chat every day.
These applications need to be monitored by the parents if a parent does choose to allow their child to set up an account of there own.
Be sure your children alert anything that makes them uncomfortable
By being open with your children we hope that they would feel comfortable enough to share anything that makes them feel uncomfortable online and alerts you or a loved one as quickly as possible.
Online chat rooms and other types of places have quickly become a hotbed for sex offenders trying to gain the trust of children. Be sure to explain that your child should never provide any information to anyone online like email, names, age, address or any other type of private information. By following some of these Internet safety tips for kids you should start off on the right foot keeping them safe online.
[…] dedicated parent wants to do everything possible to keep your kids safe and secure in everything that they do. I know lots of parents who are willing to try anything they […]