Need to find Montana Inmate records? This guide will explain how to perform a Montana Inmate Search online and find offender information in MT. All this is needed will be a first and last name to perform a search.
The data that is found will be inmates full name, date of birth, court documents, prison contact information, parole information, and more on inmates in Montana. This guide will help anyone build a basic background on inmates being held at correctional facilities and jails.
How to find Montana Inmate Records
You can use a few methods to perform a Montana inmate search online. Either searching from the MDOC website offender search or by using a search service to find inmate data and much more within a single public record search on someone in Montana. The below guide will outline both.
Montana Department of Corrections
Number of Facilities: 22
Telephone: 406-444-3930
Inmate Search Online
When searching by offender search from the MDOC you can either use a first and last name or a unique Department of Corrections I.D. Number if you have one.
Once you have a match you will see the inmates full name, date of birth and status. Click on the Inmates name to learn more about that person. Be aware that when a photo is available it will show the mugshot of the person along with all charges, parole information, and much more on that inmate or parolee.
Search service
Use a search service if you want to find more then just inmate data on someone. Looking for more historical records like past arrest, warrants, court records, contact information, and more? if so, then a search service will allow you to find these types of records and more with a single name search. These types of services search thousands of records from federal, state, and county sources in one quick and easy search. If you have not used or tried one when searching for public records you should.
Montana inmate statistics
Jail data and statistics are from the Montana Department of Corrections website.
Employees Montana Department of Corrections.
214 (millions)
Correctional Expenditures
Average inmate population in Montana 2018
Adult male incarceration in 2018
The annual cost per stay for a MASC inmate
Missippissi inhabitants on probation / Parole.
Prisons under the Montana State Correctional Facilities.
Incarceration rates in Montana per 100,000 residents.
Montana state prison
Montana state prison sits on 68-acre facilities that are the largest correctional facility in Montana. It is home to almost 1,500 inmates and has a custody level of maximum to medium and minimum custody inmates. The Montana Women’s prison is a 194-bed facility that typically houses 205 inmates and has a staff of 67 plus 11 contracted personnel.
4,098 was the number of sentences that judges gave in 2016 that placed someone in the department’s custody.
Number of sentences over years that place someone in custody
Counties that contribute the largest group of offenders
In Montana, the most populous counties are the largest contributors to the correction system. The five counties with the largest population are responsible for 57% of all people sentenced within Montana in the year of 2016