Bail is the release of a person that is awaiting a trial. The bail is usually a sum of money that is used in guarantee the person appears back in court at a set date.
Keep in mind that bail does not mean your done and don’t have to go back to court for the crime that was committed it just means that you don’t have to stay in jail until the trial date happens. Not all bail requires money. The amount of money can be different for each crime when it comes to bailing out someone within a jail. This will depend on how severe the crime was in most cases. The more saver the larger the bond. In some instances, bail is denied altogether. In some cases when the crime is not serious a written promise will suffice for the release of that person. There are a few factors that will contribute if bail is an option for someone.
- The previous crime of the person
- The seriousness of the crime committed
- Is the suspect a risk of flight if bailed out
- is the suspect a risk to the community.
What is a bail bond agent
When you can’t afford to post your own bail to the courts then that person asks a bail bond agent or bondsman to pay the bond on your behalf. When this happens the bondsman charges a fee that is nonrefundable. IF the person fails to appear for the court proceedings then the bailsman will pay the remaining amount to the courts.
If you ever find yourself in the position of needed to post bail if your unable to do so on your own then you would need to contact a bondsman to help. An attorney should also be contacted when legal troubles come up. An attorney can help navigate the court systems much better than the average person alone.
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